Noel Blanco Mourelle, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
“Learning Machines: Lullism as a Technological Fiction”
Elizabeth Chatterjee, Assistant Professor, History
“Energy Emergency: Climate Shocks and Fossil Fuels in Indira Gandhi’s India”
Alexis Chema, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
“Extravaganza: A Theory of Popular Poetry in the Era of Reading”
Margareta Ingrid Christian, Associate Professor, Germanic Studies
“The Sociopoetics of Density (1889-1931)”
Noémie Ndiaye, Associate Professor, English Language & Literature
“Early Modernity in Black and Brown”
SJ Zhang, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
“Going Maroon and Other Forms of Family”
Erik Zyman, Assistant Professor, Linguistics
“On the Symmetry Between Merge and Adjoin”
Steven Rings, Associate Professor, Music
“Ambient Contradictions: Spirituality, Politics, and Race in Immersive Musics”
Sasha Crawford-Holland, Doctoral Fellow, Cinema & Media Studies
“Making Sense of Heat: Epistemic Media and the Governance of Thermal Perception”
Beatrice Fazio, Doctoral Fellow, Romance Languages & Literatures
“Going the Distance: The Coherence of Tradition from Petrarch to Leopardi”
Sanghee Kim, Doctoral Fellow, Linguistics
“Encoding and Retrieval of Discourse Structure during Language Comprehension”
Ethan Waddell, Doctoral Fellow, East Asian Languages & Literatures
“Listening to South Korean Music through Popular Songs, 1950s-1970s”
Philip Bohlman, Professor, Music
"The Cabaretesque in Jewish Music: Sounding Modern European History Anew"
Claudia Brittenham, Associate Professor, Art History
"The Interconnected Mesoamerican World"
Lina Maria Ferreira Cabeza-Vanegas, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
"God, Witches, War and Boys I Knew in School"
Itamar Francez, Associate Professor, Linguistics
"Lautjudentum: Jabotinsky’s Language Ideology"
Benjamin Morgan, Associate Professor, English Language & Literature
"In Human Scale: Earth Systems in the Literary Imagination"
Anne Eakin Moss, Assistant Professor, Slavic Languages & Literatures
"The Special Effects of Soviet Wonder"
James Osborne, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"Small-Scale Complexity: Central Anatolia in the Early First Millennium BCE"
Kris Trujillo, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature
"Mystical Poetics: Eroticism, Embodiment, and Song in the Christian Contemplative Tradition"
Laura Colaneri, Doctoral Candidate, Romance Languages & Literatures
"The Haunted Southern Cone: Sinister Power and Political Terror in the Cultural Imaginary of Dictatorship"
Supurna Dasgupta, Doctoral Candidate, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Intimate Revolutions: Men and Women in 1960s Bengali Literature"
Yueling Ji, Doctoral Candidate, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"A History of Style: Literary Criticism in Cold War China"
Gary Kafer, Doctoral Candidate, Cinema & Media Studies
"After Ubiquity: Surveillance Media and the Technics of Social Difference"
Ahmed El Shamsy, Associate Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"The History of Early Sunnism"
Chelsea Foxwell, Associate Professor, Art History
"Abundant Images: Art and the Public Sphere in Early Modern Japan"
Paola Iovene, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Location Shooting in Chinese Cinema"
Alison James, Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
"Fragile Fictions in Contemporary France"
Matthew Kruer, Assistant Professor, History
"Sovereigns and Subjects: Indigenous Nations within the British Atlantic Empire"
Agnes Lugo-Ortiz, Associate Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
"The Plantation Gaze: Slavery and Visual Culture in Colonial Cuba (1727-1886)"
Rochona Majumdar, Associate Professor, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Enlightenment in the Colony: A Global History of the Hindoo College"
Julie Orlemanski, Associate Professor, English Language & Literature
"Who Has Fiction? Modernity, Fictionality, and the Middle Ages"
Jon Bullock, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"Radio Kurdistan: Iraqi Kurdish Music, Colonial Power, and the Transmission of Tradition"
Marissa Fenley, Doctoral Candidate, English Language & Literature and Theater & Performance Studies
"Puppet Theory: The Mechanical Infrastructure of Personhood"
Isabela Fraga, Doctoral Candidate, Romance Languages & Literatures
"Subjected to Feeling: Slavery and Personhood in Nineteenth-Century Brazil and Cuba"
Amy Skjerseth, Doctoral Candidate, Cinema & Media Studies
"Music's Visual Waves: Popular Music Technology and Audiovisual Aesthetics"
Michele Friedner, Assistant Professor, Comparative Human Development
"Becoming Normal: Cochlear Implants and Sensory Infrastructures in India"
Anastasia Giannakidou, Professor, Linguistics
"Bilingualism and Communities of Accent: Greek-English Bilinguals in Chicago"
Matthias Haase, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
"Practical Reality"
Florian Klinger, Associate Professor, Germanic Studies
"Aesthetic Action"
W.J.T. Mitchell, Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor, English Language & Literature, Art History, and Visual Arts
"Seeing through Madness"
Kenneth Warren, Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor, English Language & Literature
"'Maybe I’ll write a book about all this': Fiction and Social Criticism in the Work of Ann Petry and William Gardner Smith"
Peter White, Herman C. Bernick Family Professor, Classics
"Narrative in the Confessions of St. Augustine"
Lawrence Zbikowski, Professor, Music
"The Nature of Musical Thought"
Jennifer Iverson, Associate Professor, Music
"Porous Instruments: Circulation and Exchange in Electronic Sound"
Chelsie May, Doctoral Candidate, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"Watching Whiteness Work?: The Racialization of Jewish Women in Iraq and Israel/Palestine"
Sharvari Sastry, Doctoral Candidate, South Asian Languages & Civilizations and Theater & Performance Studies
"Performances of Posterity: Theatre, Archives and Cultural Regulation in Modern India"
Andrew Malilay White, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"The Improvised Text: Bodily Regimes of Piano Improvisation in the Nineteenth Century"
Michal Zecharia, Doctoral Candidate, English Language & Literature
"Unmoved Emotions in Shakespeare and Milton"
Yiren Zheng, Doctoral Candidate, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Sounding Awry: Unusual Voices and the Problem of Speech in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Literature"
Emily Austin, Assistant Professor, Classics and the College
"Grief and the Hero: The Futility of Longing in the Iliad"
Jessica Swanston Baker, Assistant Professor, Music and the College
“The Aesthetics of Speed: Music and the Modern in St. Kitts and Nevis”
Larissa Brewer-Garcia, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures and the College
"Salvation, Reconsidered: Black Freedom in Early Colonial Spanish America"
John Muse, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature and the College
"Theater and the Virtual"
Anna Schultz, Assistant Professor, Music and the College
"Songs Left Behind: Gender, Migration, and Translation among the Bene Israel"
James Lindley Wilson, Assistant Professor, Political Science and the College
The Democratic Grounds of Justice
Mareike Winchell, Assistant Professor, Anthropology and the College
"After Servitude: Indigenous Critique and the Undoing of Property in Post-Revolutionary Bolivia"
Michael K. Bourdaghs, Robert S. Ingersoll Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations and the College
"From Postwar to Cold War: Revisiting Japanese Culture from the Age of Three Worlds"
Daniel Carranza, Doctoral Candidate, Germanic Studies
"The Gift of Metamorphosis: Goethe's Poetic Science of Transformation"
Sam Lasman, Doctoral Candidate, Comparative Literature
"Dragons, Fairies, and Time: Imagining the Past in Medieval Welsh, Persian, and French Narratives"
Yiying Pan, Doctoral Candidate, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"From Crisis to Integration: Environment, Society, and Governance of the Eastern Sichuan Highlands, 1723-1864"
Bradley Spiers, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"Music and the Genesis of Artificial Life"
Pao-chen Tang, Doctoral Candidate, Cinema & Media Studies
"The Animist Imagination of Cinema"
Brandon Truett, Doctoral Candidate, English Language & Literature;
"Art War: The Transnational Imaginary of the Spanish Civil War, 1936 to the Present"
Matthew Boyle, Professor, Philosophy
“The Significance of Self-Consciousness”
Rachel Galvin, Assistant Professor, English Language and Literature
“The Hemispheric Poetics of Latinx Literature”
Elaine Hadley, Professor, English Language and Literature
“The Dismal Science of Economics and the Lost Art of Political Economy”
Demetra Kasimis, Assistant Professor, Political Science
“The Poetics of Refuge: Greek Tragedy and the Making of the Refugee”
Maria Anna Mariani, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures
“Italy and the Bomb. Literary Recreation in a Nuclear Age”
Miguel Martinez, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures
“Third New World. The Spanish Colonial Philippines and the Global Imagination”
James F. Osborne, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
“Diaspora and Mobility: The Syro-Anatolian Culture Complex”
Jacqueline Stewart, Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
“Our Comedy of Blackness: The Films of Spencer Williams”
Julianne Grasso, Doctoral Candidate, Music
“Video Game Music, Meaning, and the Possibilities of Play”
Silvia Guslandi, Doctoral Candidate, Romance Languages & Literatures
“Belonging to the Threshold: appartenenza and sradicamento in early 20th Century ‘Italian’ Literature”
Noa Merkin, Doctoral Candidate, Cinema & Media Studies
“Little Patch of Yellow: On the Detail in Film”
Ahona Panda, Doctoral Candidate, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
“Philology and the Politics of Language: The Case of Bengali, 1893-1955”
Amanda Shubert, Doctoral Candidate, English Language & Literature
“Victorian Optical Fictions, 1832-1896”
Alexander Sorenson, Doctoral Candidate, Germanic Studies
“Trials by Water: Law, Sacrifice, and Ethics in German Realism"
Margareta Ingrid Christian, Assistant Professor, Germanic Studies
"Aesthetic Environs: A Cultural History of Air Around 1900"
Marco Garrido, Assistant Professor, Sociology
"City of Squatters and Villagers: Spatial Fragmentation and Political Polarization in Metro Manila"
Patrick Jagoda, Associate Professor, English Language & Literature
"Experimental Games"
Michael Kremer, Mary R. Morton Professor, Philosophy
"Getting Things Right: Gilbert Ryle on Knowledge"
Susanne Paulus, Assistant Professor, Oriental Institute and Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"Comparative Studies of Kassite Archives: A Legal, Economic, and Social History of Babylonia (1350-1150 BCE)"
Zachary Samalin, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
"The Masses Are Revolting: Victorian Culture and the Aesthetics of Disgust"
Salomé Aguilera Skvirsky, Assistant Professor, Cinema & Media Studies
"The Aesthetic of Labor: Craft, Industry, and Service Work in Latin American Cinema"
Megan Sullivan, Assistant Professor, Art History
"After Mondrian: Abstract Art and the Challenge of Development in South America"
Chloe Blackshear, Doctoral Candidate, Comparative Literature
"Between the Figure and the Text: David Stories in Late 20th-Century Prose"
Anne Feng, Doctoral Candidate, Art History
"Water, Ice, Lapis Lazuli: Aquatic Imagery in Medieval Buddhist Art and Architecture"
Jake Fraser, Doctoral Candidate, Germanic Studies
"Irreversible: Kleist, Kafka, and the Present's Past"
Zachary Loeffler, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"Speaking of Magic: Musical Enchantments in Modernity"
Jessica Mutter, Doctoral Candidate, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"Conversion and Religious Identity in Early Islamic Syria"
Amy Stebbins, Doctoral Candidate, Germanic Studies and Cinema & Media Studies
"Theater of the Turn: Critical Performances at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 1992-2017"
James Conant, Chester D. Tripp Professor of Humanities, Philosophy
“Kant’s Critique of the Layer-Cake Conception of Human Mindedness”
Daniel Desormeaux, Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
“The First Haitian Historians’ Account of the Making of a Free Black Republic”
Ghenwa Hayek, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
“'Carrying Africa’, Becoming Lebanese”
Robert Kendrick, Professor, Music and Romance Languages & Literatures
“Fruits of the Cross: Passiontide Music Theater in Habsburg Vienna”
Wei-Cheng Lin, Associate Professor, Art History
“Performative Architecture of China”
Sarah Nooter, Associate Professor, Classics
"The Mortal Voice in the Tragedies of Aeschylus”
Michael Rossi, Assistant Professor, History
“The Language Organ: A History of Embodied Speech in American Linguistics, 1900-2000”
Yuri Tsivian, William Colvin Professor, Art History, Cinema & Media Studies, and Slavic Languages & Literatures
“Montage: A History of Theory and Practice”
Rebecca Crisafulli, Doctoral Fellow, Romance Languages & Literatures
"Sincerity and Social Transformation in the Work of Louise d'Épinay"
Andrew Inchiosa, Doctoral Fellow, English Language & Literature
"Found among the Papers of the Early Republic"
Thomas Kelly, Doctoral Fellow, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Substantive Marks: The Poetics of Object Inscriptions in Early Modern China"
Branden Kosch, Doctoral Fellow, Classics
"Demosthenes and his Readers"
Daniela Licandro, Doctoral Fellow, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"'I Must Confess': Life Writings and the Culture of Jiantao in Modern China"
Adhira Mangalagiri, Doctoral Fellow, Comparative Literature
"The World Within: Reading Colonial Literary Encounters between China and India"
Agnes Callard, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Whitney Cox, Associate Professor, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
“Modes of Philology in Medieval South India”
Laura Gandolfi, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
“Mexico’s Itinerant Objects: Practices of Writing, Perception and Material Culture”
Heather Keenleyside, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
"Women and Children First: Early English Feminism and the Invention of Children’s Literature”
David J. Levin, Addie Clark Harding Professor, Germanic Studies, Cinema & Media Studies, and Theater & Performance Studies
“After Regie: Opera, Performance, and the Stakes of Representation”
Yung-ti Li, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
“The Kingly Crafts: Large-Scale Production and the Rise of State Craft Industries in Bronze Age China”
Mark Miller, Associate Professor, English Language & Literature
“The Unredemptive Middle Ages”
Ada Palmer, Assistant Professor, History
“A History of Provisional Belief”
James Burgin, Doctoral Candidate, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"Hittite Finance and the Festival Economy"
Erin Epperson, Doctoral Candidate, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Tracing out Trends in Tibetan Translations: An Analysis of Tibetan Translation Practices Surrounding the Fourteenth-Century Translation of Kālidāsa’s Cloud Messenger"
Cesar Favila, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"Music and Devotion in Novohispanic Convents, 1600-1800"
Gilad Nir, Doctoral Candidate, Philosophy
"Wittgenstein on Inference"
Victoria Salinger, Doctoral Candidate, Art History
"'Writing Calculations, Calculating Writing': Hanne Darboven's Computer Art"
Han Zhang, Doctoral Candidate, East Asian Languages & Literatures
"Dwelling in Language: The Practice of Wu Dialect in Late Qing Shanghai and Beyond"
Claudia Brittenham, Assistant Professor, Art History
"Unseen Art: Vision and Memory in Ancient Mesoamerica"
Anton Ford, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
“What is Done: A Theory of Transaction”
Itamar Francez, Assistant Professor, Linguistics
“Meaning and the Limits of Linguistic Variation”
Gabriel Lear, Professor, Philosophy
“Plato on Beauty and Being Good”
Constantine Nakassis, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
“Onscreen/Offscreen: Ontologies of the Image in South Indian Cinema”
Anubav Vasudevan, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
“Chance, Determinism, and the Classical Theory of Probability”
Christopher Wild, Associate Professor, Germanic Studies
“Meditation and the Institution of the Self: Descartes, Ignatius, and Augustine”
Alice Yao, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
“From Fortresses to Shrines: Tribal Geographies and Imperial Encounters in Southwest China, (100 BC - 300 AD)”
Nir Ben Moshe, Doctoral Candidate, Philosophy
"Idealization and the Moral Point of View: An Adam Smithian Account of Moral Reasons"
Daniel Gough, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"Listening in the Megacity: Music in Sao Paulo's Cultural Policy Worlds"
Marcelle Pierson, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"The Voice under Erasure: Singing, Melody and Expression in Late Modernist Music"
Ranu Roychoudhuri, Doctoral Candidate, South Asian Languages and Civilizations
"Images and Imaginings: A History of Photography in Twentieth Century Bengal"
Ben Laurence, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
“Political Philosophy as Realistic Utopianism”
Benjamin Morgan, Assistant Professor, English Language and Literature
“The Science of Beauty: Victorian Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind, 1840-1900”
John Muse, Assistant Professor, English Language and Literature
“Microdramas: Short Theater Since 1880”
Emily Lynn Osborn, Assistant Professor, History
“Casting Aluminum Pots: Labor, Migration and Technology in West Africa, 1945-2005”
Steven Rings, Associate Professor, Music
“A Foreign Sound to Your Ear: Bob Dylan in Performance”
Na’ama Rokem, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
“Divergent Paths of Exile”
Justin Steinberg, Associate Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures
"Mimesis on Trial: Boccaccio's Realism, the Inquisition, and the Rise of the Novella"
Malte Willer, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
“The Dynamics of Normativity and Subjectivity”
Peter Erickson, Doctoral Candidate, Germanic Studies
"Religious Conversion in the Late German Enlightenment"
Joela Jacobs, Doctoral Candidate, Germanic Studies
"Non-Human Configurations of Life in Literary Grotesques From Oskar Panizza to Franz Kafka"
Ilanit Loewy Shacham, Doctoral Candidate South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Narratives and Narratives about Narratives: The Story and Afterlife of Kṛṣṇadevarāya's Āmuktamālyada"
Bart van Wassenhove, Doctoral Candidate, Classics
"Emotion, Admonition and Moral Progress in Seneca's Philosophical Works"
Jason Bridges, Associate Professor, Philosophy
"In Defense of Reason"
Julie Y. Chu, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
"Infrastructures of Mobility: An Ethnography of Dis/connections in Southern China"
Xinyu Dong, Assistant Professor, Cinema & Media Studies
"China at Play: Republican Film Comedies and Chinese Cinematic Modernity"
Martha Feldman, Professor, Music
"The Castrato Phantom: Encryptions and Voice, from Moreschi to Fellini and Back"
Chelsea Foxwell, Assistant Professor, Art History
"Mirror of Painting: Historical Imagination, Social Identity, and the Circulation of Images in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Japan"
Berthold Hoeckner, Associate Professor, Music
"Film, Music, Memory"
Paola Iovene, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Tales of Future Past: Utopia and the Ends of Literature in Contemporary China"
Hoyt Long, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"The Arts of Association: Japanese Letters and the Modeling of a Modern Information Society"
Richard Jean So, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
"Republic of Mind: America, China and the Rise and Fall of a Global Literary Network, 1929-1955"
Martin Baeumel, Doctoral Candidate, German Studies
"What Poems Want - Configurations of Poetry between Baroque and Romanticism"
Melissa Bilal, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"An Affective Genealogy of the Armenian Lullaby in Turkey"
Helen Findley, Doctoral Candidate, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Moveable Feast: Buddhist Homiletic Performance in Meiji Japan"
Julia Langbein, Doctoral Candidate, Art History
"Salon Caricature in Paris, 1840-1871"
Timothy Campbell, Assistant Professor, English
"Historical Style: Fashion, Commerce and Historicism in Britain, 1740-1820"
Petra Goedegebuure, Assistant Professor, Oriental Institute, NELC
"The Core Cases in the Anatolian Languages"
Cameron Hawkins, Assistant Professor, History
"Institutions, Institutional Change, and the Urban Economy of the Roman Empire"
Robert Kendrick, Associate Professor, Music
"Singing Jeremiah: Music and Meaning in Holy Week"
Sarah Nooter, Assistant Professor, Classics
"Drama in a Convex Mirror: Aristophanes, Euripides and Sophocles in Light of Twentieth-Century African Theater"
Rocco Rubini, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
"The Italians’ Renaissance between Hegel and Heidegger"
Jennifer Wild, Assistant Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
"The Film Stripped Bare: Parisian Modernism in the Age of Cinema, 1905-1926"
Tamara Chin, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature
"Illicit Exchange: An Imaginary History of the Han Dynasty Silk Road"
Joshua Adams, Comparative Literature
"Some Problems of Paraphrase"
Sun-ah Choi, Art History
"Quest for True Visage: Sacred Images in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Art"
Paul Keen, Classics
"Land of Experiment: The Ptolemies and the Development of Hellenistic Cyprus (312-58 BC)"
Tucker McKinney, Philosophy
"Heidegger on Human Finitude and Normative Governance"
Fredrik Albritton Jonsson, Assistant Professor in the History Department
"The Stationary Future: The Politics of Environmental Limits in Britain 1760-1850"
Paul Copp, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Tantric Transformations in Late Medieval China"
Leela Gandhi, Professor, English Language & Literature
"Art of Interruption: Postcolonial Ethics, Antifascism, and the Politics of Empire, 1900-1955"
Yuming He, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Reading Commonplace Books in Early Modern China (16th-17th Centuries)"
Kaley Mason, Assistant Professor, Music
"The Labor of Music in South India"
Srikanth Reddy, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
"Readings in World Literature: Poems"
Jason Salavon, Assistant Professor, Visual Arts
"Atlas: A Corpus of Algorithmic Forms and Episodes"
Andrew Erwin, Department of Germanic Studies
"Mimesis, Madness, and Modernity: Robert Musil and the Ethics of Being without Qualities"
Thomas Keith, Department of Classics
"Blood, Toil, Tearless Sweat: Envisioning Sparta in the Imperial Stoa"
Shayna Silverstein, Department of Music
"Circulating Spaces: Power, Performance and Place in Syrian Dabke"
Gökçe Yazıcıoğlu, Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"People of Kaneš in the 21st-17th C. BC: Communal and Individual Dimensions of Identity in a Cosmopolitan Center in Anatolia"
David H. Finkelstein, Associate Professor, Philosophy
“Consciousness Matters”
Ryan Giles, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
“Unholy Words: Parodic Prayer and Incantation in Medieval and Early Modern Spain”
Michael Kremer, Professor, Philosophy
“Sense, Meaning, and the Development of Frege’s Thought”
David Martinez, Associate Professor, Classics and the Divinity School
“Ancient Greek Papyri in the University of Texas Collection”
Verity Platt, Assistant Professor, Art History
“Images and Impressions: The Cultural Life of Seals in Ancient Greece and Rome”
François G. Richard, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
“Ambiguous States and Entangled Landscapes: Cultural Histories of Power in Siin (Senegal), 1500-1930”
Joshua Scodel, Professor, English and Comparative Literature
“Living as One Pleased in English Renaissance Literature”
Rad Borislavov, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
"Viktor Shklovskii-Between Art and Life"
Doron Galili, Committee on Cinema and Media Studies
"Seeing by Electricity: Vision, Temporality and Intermediality in Early Television"
Peggy Wang, Department of Art History
"Contemporary Chinese Art and the Global Exhibitionary Culture in the 1990s"
Cecelia Watson, Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science
"Relating to Nature: John La Farge, William James and the Search for Truth in Nineteenth Century Art, Science and Philosophy"
Orit Bashkin, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"The Nation of Muhammad, the Prayers of Moses (and the Writings of Marx): Jewish-Iraqi Intellectuals, 1921-51"
Leong Ping Foong, Assistant Professor, Art History
"Landscape Invested: Political Reformation, Poetic Protest and Painting in the Late Northern Song"
Michael Forster, Professor, Philosophy
"After Herder: Essays on Philosophy of Language in the German Tradition"
Andreas Glaeser, Associate Professor, Sociology
"Liberal Political Epistemics: How Germans and Americans have Made Sense of Immigrants"
Rebecca Hasselbach, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Oriental Institute
"Grammatical Roles and Relations in Semitic"
Alison James, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
"Constraining Chance: Georges Perec and the Oulipo"
Jonathan Lear, Professor, Committee on Social Thought, Philosophy
"Irony and Identity"
Rochona Majumdar, Assistant Professor, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Cinema India: Art and Politics of a Forgotten Era"
Rafeeq Hasan, Philosophy
"Virtue and Nature in Rousseau”
Valerie Levan, Comparative Literature
"Fashioning the Modern Self: The Rhetoric of Failure in Yu Dafu’s Creative Project"
Lauren Silvers, Comparative Literature
"Imagined Aesthetic Encounters: Psychological Knowledge and the Embodiment of the Reading Subject at the French Fin-de-Siecle"
Suyoung Son, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Writing for Print: Zhang Chao and Literati-Publishing in Seventeenth-Century China"
Paul Cheney, Assistant Professor, History and the College
"The Enlightenment Science du Commerce: Colonial Expansion and the New European Political Order"
Mark Payne, Assistant Professor, Classics and the College
"The Animal Part: Humans and Animals in the Iambic Tradition"
Michael Raine, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
"Modernism, Materiality, and Cultural Mimesis: Japanese New Wave Cinema, 1955-1964"
Ulrike Stark, Assistant Professor, South Asian Languages and Civilizations
"In Times of Transition. Raja Shivaprasad 'Sitar-e Hind"
Christopher E. Woods, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
"A Study of Sumerian Writing"
Wu Hung, Professor, Art History and East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College
"Another Story of Ruins: Presence and Absence in Chinese Art and Visual Culture"
Alan C. Yu, Assistant Professor, Linguistics
"Rescuing Fleeting Voices: A Study of the Sounds of a Dying Language"
Ari Bryen, History and Classics
"Violence, Law and Society in Roman and Byzantine Egypt"
Jeehee Hong, Art History
"Theatricalizing Death: Performance Images of Mid-Imperial China in Mortuary Contexts (11th -13th centuries)"
Jacqueline Jay, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
"The Narrative Structure of Ancient Egyptian Tales: From Sinuhe to Setna"
Jonathan Tsou, Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science
"Mental Health in Question: Issues in the Philosophy of Psychiatry"
Kesha Fikes, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
"Emigration from Cape Verde: The Spatial Production of Local Cape Verdean Difference, 1863-1975"
Oren Izenberg, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
"Being Numerous: The Poetic Imagination of the Ground of Social Life"
Tahera Qutbuddin, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"Early Arabic Oratory: The Speeches and Sermons of Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 660) in the 'Path of Eloquence'"
Seth Richardson, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"Studies in Late Old Babylonian History"
Eric Slauter, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
"A Cultural History of Natural Rights in America, 1689-1789"
Lina Steiner, Assistant Professor, Slavic Languages & Literatures
"Autonomy and the Russian Novel: Representation of Personality in Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky (1830's-1860's)"
Rebecca Zorach, Assistant Professor, Art History
"'Roma vetus ac recens': A virtual Speculum Romanae magnificentiae"
Jeanne Britton, Comparative Literature
“Sympathy and the Novel: Shared Sentiment in Britain and France, 1750-1850”
Vanessa De Gifis, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
“Qur`anic Rhetoric in the Politics of the Early `Abbasid Period"
Benjamin Nelson, Romance Languages & Literatures
“Tending to Empire: The Spanish Pastoral Novel and Its Reflection Upon Imperial Spain”
Charles Tepperman, Cinema and Media Studies
“Communicating a New Form of Knowledge: The Amateur Cinema League and Its Films (1926-1954)"
Robert Buch, Assistant Professor, Germanic Studies
"The Legacy of Laocoon: Violence and the Image in Late Twentieth Century Literature"
James Conant, Professor, Philosophy
"The Continuity of Wittgenstein's Philosophy"
Daisy Delogu, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
"Royal Biography in the Late Middle Ages: Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign"
Gregory Golley, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"When Our Eyes No Longer See: Realism, Science and Japanese Literary Modernism"
William Mazzarella, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
"The Mana of Mass Society: Cultural Regulation in Contemporary India"
Deborah Nelson, Associate Professor, English Language & Literature
"Tough Broads: Suffering in Style"
James T. Sparrow, Assistant Professor, History
"Americanism and Entitlement: National Citizenship and Political Culture from the New Deal to the Cold War"
Justin Steinberg, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
"Accounting for Dante: Urban Readers and Writers in Late Medieval Italy"
Wei-Cheng Lin, Art History
"Building a Buddhist Sacred Mountain: The Monastic Architecture in Mt. Mutai During the Tang Dynasty"
Rajeev Kinra, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Secretary-Poets in Mughal India and the Ethos of Persian - The Case of Chandar Bh_n 'Brahman'"
Ebru Turan, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"The Rule of Ibrahim Pasha (1523-1536): The Rise of Ottoman Imperial Ideology in the Sixteenth Century"
Alina Wyman, Slavic Languages & Literatures
"The Task of Active Empathy: Scheler, Bakhtin and Dostoevsky"
Shadi Bartsch, Professor, Classical Languages & Literatures
"Troping the Classics: Medieval Metaphors for Ancient Texts"
Robert Bird, Assistant Professor, Slavic Languages & Literatures
"Engaging Fictions: Distance and Commitment in Russian Modernism"
Bradin Cormack, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
"A Power to Do Justice: Jurisdiction in English Law and Literature, 1509-1625"
Patchen Markell, Assistant Professor, Political Science
"Democracy and the Problem of Agency"
Valerie Ritter, Assistant Professor, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Modern Hindi Poetry and Poetics, 1885-1935"
Xiaobing Tang, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"The Consequences of Art in Modern China: Discourses, Institutions, Movements"
William Wimsatt, Professor, Philosophy
"The Role of Generation and Stasis in the Evolution of Complex Organizations "
Steven Pincus, Associate Professor, History
"The First Modern Revolution"
Joy Beckman, Doctoral Candidate, Art History
"Layers of Being: Bodies, Objects, and Spaces in Warring State Funerals"
Emily Godbey, Doctoral Candidate, Art History
"Rubbernecking and the Business of Disaster"
Daniella Reinhard , Doctoral Candidate, Classical Languages & Literatures
"Playing Dead: Hades, Eidolatry and the Human in Homer and Sophocles"
Anthony Raynsford, Doctoral Candidate, Art History
"Sites of Lost Dwelling"
Jason Bridges, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
"The Autonomy of Reasons"
Cornell Fleischer, Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"An Occult Polymath of the Fifteenth Century: 'Abd al-rahman al-Bistami of Antioch"
Armando Maggi, Associate Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
"Jacopone of Todi and Early Franciscan Spirituality"
Jason Merchant, Assistant Professor, Linguistics
"The Saving Grace of Ellipsis: The repair of grammatical deviance by deletion"
Bozena Shallcross, Associate Professor, Slavic Languages & Literatures
"Things Polish: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry"
Adam T. Smith, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
"Artifact and Affect: Material Culture, Aesthetics, and Politics"
Martha Ward, Associate Professor, Art History
"Bookifying Exhibitions: The Art History Show in the 1930s"
Alyssa Ayres, Doctoral Candidate, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Language Policy, Ethnic Identity, and Nationalism in Pakistan"
Chika Kinoshita, Doctoral Candidate, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"Mis-en-scene of Desire: The Films of Mizoguchi Kenji"
Ryan Minor, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"National Memory, Public Music: Commemoration and Consecration in Nineteenth-Century German Choral Music"
John Urang, Doctoral Candidate, Germanic Studies
"Legal Tender: Love and Legitimacy in the East German Cultural Imagination"
Christopher Faraone, Professor, Classical Languages & Literatures
"Incantation as Poetic Genre"
Francoise Meltzer, Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures
"The Need for Rupture: 1848 in France"
Holly Shissler, Assistant Professor, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations
"The Woman Question in Ottoman Thought, 1870-1919: Individualism, Family Structure, and the Idea of Progress"
Martin Stokes, Associate Professor, Music
"Global Dimensions of Sentimental Music"
Chenxi Tang, Associate Professor, Germanic Studies
"Writing World History: The Emergence of Modern Global Consciousness in the 18th Century"
Lisa Wedeen, Assistant Professor, Political Science
"Peripheral Visions: Local Identifications in Unified Yemen
Amy Graves, Doctoral Candidate, Romance Languages & Literatures
"Simon Goulart (1543-1628): historiographe et protojournaliste"
Naomi Hume, Doctoral Candidate, Art History
"Alternative Cubisms: Between Paris and Prague"
Kristin McGee, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"Representations and Alienations: The Jazz Canon and the All-Girls Bands in Times of War and Peace (1930-55)'"
Ian Moyer, Doctoral Candidate, Ancient Mediterranean World
"Egyptian Priests and Hellenism: Studies in Interaction and Identity"
Daniel Brudney, Associate Professor, Philosophy
"Self-Determination Through Others"
Michael Green, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
"Global Justice, Moral Responsibility, and Political Legitimacy"
Sandra Macpherson, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature
"Marriage Acts"
Martin Riesebrodt, Associate Professor, Divinity School, Sociology, and History of Culture
"Towards a Theory of Religious Practices"
Katherine Fischer Taylor, Associate Professor, Art History
"Architecture's Contribution to the Separation of Powers"
David Wray, Assistant Professor, Classical Languages & Literatures
"Fierce Modesties: Women's Honor and Shame in Senecan Tragedy"
Aaron Kitch, Doctoral Candidate, English Language & Literature
"'Matter to Rehearse': Structuring Intersections between Print and Drama in Early Modern England"
Jean Ma, Doctoral Candidate, English Language & Literature
"New Waves, Native Shores, and a Global Vernacular: The Films of Hou Hsiao-hsien"
Rochona Majumdar, Doctoral Candidate, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"The Marriage Form: Transformations and Negotiations in Bengali Modernity (1856-1955)"
Riccardo Marchi, Doctoral Candidate, Art History
"'Pure Painting' in Berlin, 1912-1913: Boccioni, Kandinksy and Delaunay at 'Der Sturm'"
Carles Boix, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
"Birth of Party Democracy"
Kyeong-Hee Choi, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
"Gender within Colonized Korea, 1910-1945"
W.J.T. Mitchell, Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor of English and Art History
"What Do Pictures Want?"
Larry Norman, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures
"The Shock of the Old"
Jerrold Sadock, Glen A. Lloyd Distinguished Service Professor of Linguistics
"How Good Was Goethe's Yiddish"
Aslihan Yener, Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
"Case Studies in Early Societies: Ancient Anatolia"
Anne Eaton, Art History and Philosophy
"Titian's 'Rape of Europa': The Intersection of Ethics and Aesthetics"
John Huss, Conceptual Foundations of Science
"Experimental Reasoning in Non-experimental Science with Case Studies from Paleontology"
John Kulvicki, Philosophy
"Imagistic Representation: Depiction, Perception, and the Contents of Experience"
William Stull, Classical Languages and Literatures
"Character and Authority in Cicero's Dialogues"
Danielle Allen, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature and the College
"Constituting Democracy: On Aristotle's Rhetoric and Democratic Persuasion"
Kathryn Duys, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures and the College
"Books Shaped by Song: Gautier de Coinci's Miracles de Nostre Dame and the History of Early Literary Books"
Saree Makdisi, Asistant Profesor, English Language & Literature, Comparative Literature, and the College
"Blake and the Cultural Politics of Production in the 1790s"
Moishe Postone, Associate Professor, History, Jewish Studies and the Social Sciences Collegiate Division
"Critical Theory and the Twentieth Century"
Martha Roth, Professor, Oriental Institute, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Committee on the Ancient Mediterranean World, Jewish Studies, and the College
"Mesopotamian Law Cases"
Robert Von Hallberg, Professor, Germanic Studies, English Language & Literature, Comparative Literature, and the College
"African American Poetry"
John Crespi, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"What will suffice?: Voice, Nation and Subject in Modern Chinese Poetry, 1915-48"
Andrew Hebard, English Language & Literature
"Everyday States: Institutional Rhetorics and Literary Territories, 1870-1920"
Steven Heim, South Asian Languages & Civilizations
"The Lives of a Layman: History, Language, and Community in the Biographies of a Thirteenth-Century Indian"
Joshua Phillips, Comparative Literature
"Properties of the Mind: Fiction and Intellectual Property in Sixteenth-Century England"
Daniel Richter, Classical Languages & Literatures
"Ethnography, Archaism, and Identity in the Early Empire"
Janice Knight, Associate Professor, English Language & Literature and the College
"Governing Beliefs: Piety, Discipline and the Role of Gender in Colonial America"
Mark Miller, Assistant Professor, English Language & Literature and the College
"Rational Animals: Problems of Normativity in the Canterbury Tales"
Patrick J. O'Connor, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures and the College
"Paper Dolls: Latin American Fiction and the Narratives of the Perverse"
Malynne M. Sternstein, Assistant Professor, Slavic Languages & Literatures and the College
"The Subversion of the Symbolic Sign: Iconicity and the Avant-Garde"
Dingxin Zhao, Assistant Professor, Sociology and the College
"State and Social Movement: The Causes and Dynamics of the 1989 Chinese Student Movement in Beijing"
Samuel Baker, Doctoral Candidate, English Language & Literature
"Written on the Water: Maritime Figures and Romantic Literary Culture"
Pi-Yen Chen, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"Morning and Evening Service: The Practice of Ritual, Music, and Doctrine in Chinese Buddhist Monastic Community"
Radcliffe Edmonds, Doctoral Candidate, Classical Languages & Literatures
"A Path Neither Simple Nor Single: The Use of Myth in Plato, Aristophanes, and the 'Orphic' Gold Tablets"
Murat Aydede, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Committee on the Conceptual Foundations of Science, and the College
"The Affective Aspect of Phenomenal Experiences"
Bill Darden, Professor, Slavic Languages & Literatures, and Linguistics
"Integration of Evidence from Linguistics and Archaeology: The Problem of the Homeland of the Indo-Europeans"
Loren Kruger, Associate Professor, English Language & Literature, Comparative Literature, and the College
"The Drama of Modernity: Plays, Pageants, and Publics in South Africa Since 1910"
Tamara Trojanowska, Assistant Professor, Slavic Languages & Literatures, Committee on General Studies in the Humanities, and the College
"Concepts of Identity: Continuations, Transformations, and Disruptions. Polish Drama 1956-96"
Larry Zbikowski, Assistant Professor, Music and the College
"Conceptualizing Music"
Brian Currid, Doctoral Candidate, Music
"The Acoustics of National Publicity: Music in German Mass Culture, 1924-45"
Zhen Zhang, Doctoral Candidate, East Asian Languages & Civilizations
"'An Amorous History of the Silver Screen': Film Culture, Urban Modernity, and the Vernacular Experience in China, 1905-1937"
Neville Hoad, Sawyer Seminar on Sexual Identities and Identity Politics
"Gay and Lesbian Identity and the Cross-Cultural Rhetorics of Race in South Africa, 1960-96"